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Peluang Bisnis CIT dari Kepuasan Pelanggan

CIT Business Opportunity from Customer Satisfaction

Customer retention is an effort made by the company to keep customers using products and services. One form of marketing strategy to maintain the sustainability of cooperation with relevant partners who capture business opportunities.

In the context of customer retention, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Region 8 I GD W Yoga Sugama, Central Operation Unit (COU) I BG.GD Mahendrawan and Deputy CEO Region 8 Hengki paid a visit to PT Sentral Retailindo Dewata or better known as Pepito & BNI Cab. Sumbawa. Pepito is a non-banking customer who has collaborated since 2019, Pepito as one of the retail businesses in Bali whose development was very fast before the Covid-19 pandemic occurred. 1998.

Cash In Transit (CIT) services which include Pick Up, Clearing Sorting, clearing either between islands or intercity, using the DV method or point-of-location services. all employees of PT SSI Region 8 who continue to try to improve services because customer satisfaction is a priority, of course improving performance is mandatory

By continuing to strive to improve performance and focus on service, making improvements in any that are considered lacking as part of the employer's demands with various existing and measurable considerations, PT SSI works based on performance. Service should be a priority in its operational activities.

There is the potential for additional CIT DV service points for BNI Cab. Sumbawa through the initiation of Central Operation Unit (COU) I BG.GD Mahendrawan and Deputy CEO of NTB Hengki who was assisted by the Account Manager of CIT SSI Jakarta, this became the spirit and inspiration for all COUs in Region 8, we can help banks to back up operations so that the Banks focus on the core business of customer service.

With the improvement of SSI's services plus the number of customers and competitive prices and realizing the difficult conditions so that both can run for the smooth wheels of the economy in the community, and this is evidenced by the addition of outlets under its management to PT SSI Denpasar. on this occasion I GD W Yoga Sugama as CEO of Region 8 PT SSI, which includes Bali, NTB and NTT, expressed his gratitude for the escort represented by PIC CIT I BG Putu Manuaba for the cooperation that went well with the future target of adding good pick-up outlets in Bali Mataram & Lombok.

"Synergy, adaptive collaboration with economic conditions that support the needs of employers are certainly our passion so that services are maintained and PT SSI as a Cash Management and Technical Unit vendor remains and is maintained by continuing to make changes according to the times and seize existing business opportunities" said I GD W Yoga Sugama.

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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