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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI) is a company engaged in the field of Rupiah Money Processing Services (PJPUR) which is related to the physicality of Rupiah, including the distribution, processing, storage of Rupiah as well as charging, taking and/or monitoring the adequacy of Rupiah on, among others, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Cash Deposit Machine (CDM) and/or Cash Recycling Machine (CRM). SSI was established in 1996 based on Deed of Notary Mrs. Enimarya Agoes Suwarko, S.H., Number 9, dated 15 May 1996 and has been approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in Decree Number C2-565HT.01.01.TH.97 dated 24 January 1997 and announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 79 dated 3 October 1997 Supplement Number 4530.

SSI started a business in the field of Second Level Maintenance (SLM) services for ATM machines owned by Bank Negara Indonesia in the Jabodetabek area. Where employers hope to improve the performance of ATM machines in serving customer transactions to be fully operational 24 hours a day and handling advanced level problems more quickly. In line with the success of the technicians in maintaining the performance of the ATM machine, Bank BNI then entrusted its SLM ATM services throughout the country to SSI. In 1998, the Cash Replenishment & First Level Maintenance (CR&FLM) portfolio began to become the Company's second line of business. It started serving 25 Bank BNI ATM units at the JPU branch office. Not long after, operating service offices were opened in Tangerang, Hang Lekir, Bekasi, Fatmawati and Surabaya.


Seeing promising business prospects and meeting the needs of the Bank which is more focused on its core business, in 2003 and 2004 SSI expanded to several provincial capitals such as Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Medan, Makassar and Jambi. Including several strategic cities such as Tegal, Tasikmalaya, Mataram and Palu. Over time, the opening of operations service offices or currently better known as the Operations Sentra Office (KSO) continues to open, responding to the needs of the bank's services and in accordance with existing business potential. Cash Management or also known as Cash In Transit began to be developed as a third portfolio. It started by opening a collaboration with Bank International Indonesia (BII), which has now changed to Maybank. The types of service product portfolio are cash pick-up & delivery services, Cash Processing Center services, Cash Vaulting and Dedicated Vehicles. In 2016, SSI obtained an official permit from Bank Indonesia to provide rupiah currency processing services. With this permit from Bank Indonesia, SSI already has standards in accordance with laws and regulations issued by Bank Indonesia. Currently, SSI is present in 85 cities in Indonesia with more than 5,000 employees and serves more than 16,000 ATMs from state-owned banks, private banks and foreign banks operating in Indonesia.

#SSIUnite#SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas#VendorPengisianATM #CashManagementATM #PengisianUang





Head Office :
Bellagio Office Park, Unit OUG 31-32 Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Kav E4.3 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Setiabudi-Jakarta Selatan 12950
(021) 30066109-112

Operational Head Office :
Jl. Arteri JORR, No 70, Jati Melati-Pondok Melati, Bekasi 17446
(021) 2947 4350

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika