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Kunjungan ke Bank BNI Kantor Cabang Cianjur

Visit to Bank BNI Cianjur Branch Office

On Monday, October 11, 2021, at Bank BNI Branch Office (KC) Cianjur, it was a happy day for us as the vendor managing CR-FLM & CIT. Following up on our previous conversation with Andi Dermawan as the Service and Customer Division Leader, we discussed many things regarding the world of Cash management and its risks. Kusdinar as Branch Manager of Bank BNI KC Cianjur was very enthusiastic when we offered CIT services and this became one of the costleadership programs of Bank BNI KC Cianjur itself.

Himawan Sutanto as CEO of Region IV West Java explained in detail the CIT service activities to Kusdinar, from the method used to the details of the service price. There is no need to doubt the performance of PT SSI, added the Branch Manager, laughing warmly while sitting together. In a warm and constructive meeting Kusdinar conveyed that the opportunity was always open to establish new business partnerships other than ATM filling and repair services that had been going well so far, and he supported SSI Cianjur's income.

"Thank you for the trust and good cooperation between PT Bank BNI KC Cianjur and PT SSI Cianjur," said Region IV CEO Himawan Sutanto

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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Head Office :
Bellagio Office Park, Unit OUG 31-32 Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Kav E4.3 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Setiabudi-Jakarta Selatan 12950
(021) 30066109-112

Operational Head Office :
Jl. Arteri JORR, No 70, Jati Melati-Pondok Melati, Bekasi 17446
(021) 2947 4350

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika