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Launching aplikasi E-kamus & E-Module berbasis android

Launching the Android-based E-Kamus & E-Module application

Thursday, August 5, 2021 SSI launches HCA Products created by the HCA Division Team (Human Capital), namely the Development Unit which was created for the purposes of employees in accessing information, HCA Products are Android-based program applications with the GlideApp application at no cost, The product is E-commerce dictionaries & E-Modules.

E-Dictionary (Electronic Dictionary) is an application that contains vocabulary and meanings as well as definitions and pictures in banking and ATM. This SSI E-Dictionary is very suitable for new employees to explore. The goal is that new employees learn a lot about idioms/vocabularies about vocabulary in banking and ATM. Anyone can be a contributor because this E-dictionary is open so they can do CRUD or Create/add, Update/Edit and Delete.

Meanwhile, E-Module (Electronic Module) is an application that contains material modules related to PT SSI's business activities, namely CR FLM and SLM. Employees can access it and download the materials there.

As the person in charge of the application, Mr. Joko Prabowo hopes that the E-Dictionary and E-module hope to receive data input so that this application will continue to be updated so that it can increase insight to employees within PT SSI. digital technology in the delivery of news / information and materials.

PT SSI employees can download the application at

E-Kamus at => https://kamus-ssi.glideapp.io/

E-Module at => https://ssi-learning.glideapp.io/

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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