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Peran Serta SSI Dalam Kegiatan CBP & CBS  area Jambi

SSI Participation in Jambi CBP & CBS Activities

Saturday, 09 October 2021 at the meeting Room BW Luxury Hotel Jambi, the Jambi Province Bank Indonesia Representative Office (KPw BI Jambi) held an event to increase understanding of Love Proud and Understanding Rupiah (CBP) as well as Evaluation of Implementation of Core Banking System (CBS) Application Implementation - Module Cash Management attended by 30 banks and 4 PJPUR in Jambi Province, Jambi Central Operational Unit (COU) participated in the event represented by Br. Wahyu Nugraha and Br. Monang P. Purba. The event was opened directly by the Deputy Director of the Head of the Bank Indonesia Representative Office for Jambi Province, Mrs. Suti Masniari Nasution.

In this event, KPw BI Jambi socialized the use of a friendly payment system and minimized the spread of COVID-19, namely using smartphones in fintech and banking applications, namely QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard), QRIS is a national QR code standard to facilitate digital payments through electronic money applications. server-based, digital wallet, or mobile banking. QRIS itself simplifies and unifies mobile banking and fintech applications in order to facilitate transactions, only by scanning a barcode on the application can make payments easily, quickly and safely. "QRIS itself in Jambi Province has reached 99,921 thousand users at merchant data updates on September 17, 2021, the target of Bank Indonesia Jambi by the end of this year is to reach 125,000 thousand users at merchants," said Lidya Susilo as a speaker from BI Jambi.

Rupiah education, which has been understood by the public, tends to be limited to the feasibility of the physical condition of money. Now education is expanded, not only to understand Rupiah as cash, but also as non-cash money. Therefore, Rupiah education has undergone a rebranding, initially focusing on the physical form of money, namely 3D: Seen, Touched and Diterawang. Also 5J, namely: Do not fold, Do not scribble, Do not knead, Do not wet, and Do not staple. Now it is a holistic education, namely Love, Proud and Understanding Rupiah. Then for the understanding of Cinta Proud and Understanding Rupiah, Arisanto, cashier of KPw BI Jambi, said that the Cinta, Proud, and Understanding Rupiah program is one of the efforts to strengthen the value of the Indonesian currency again, considering that this greatly affects the exchange rate.

“The Love, Proud and Understanding (CBP) Rupiah socialization and education activity aims to foster a sense of love for the Rupiah by caring for, treating it well, and knowing the characteristics of the authenticity of the Rupiah. This is intended to foster a sense of pride in the community, that Rupiah is one of the symbols of the state, national identity, and is the only legal tender in the Republic of Indonesia," Arisanto explained.

Then the head of the Jambi BI KPw cashier, Maulana, gave a presentation and held a discussion and question and answer session regarding the implementation of the latest system which just went live in September last almost a month, namely the Core Bangking System, in this session almost all banks stated that there were no significant obstacles. I only have some technical problems, such as the internal banking network, because to access BISILK (Bank Indonesia Cash Service Information System) in the Deposit, Withdraw and Exchange process, Bank Indonesia must require a stable network, "for the system to make it easier, we even streamline the supporting documents" said Mr. Nurdianto – Bank BCA Jambi representative.

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