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Kunjungan ke Bank Mandiri Kantor Wilayah XI Denpasar

Visit to Bank Mandiri Regional Office XI Denpasar

On Tuesday, September 3, 2021, it was a good day for SSI Region 8 as the vendor managing CR-FLM ATM Bank Mandiri by meeting Mr. A. Fajar N as Area Head of E-Channel Kanwil XI. The meeting was held at the Office of Bank Mandiri Region XI Jalan Veteran no. 1 Denpasar – Bali.

Following up on the previous meeting, many things were discussed regarding the ups and downs in carrying out the operational activities of cash management services and the risks that arise. The discussion discussed the problem in sufficient detail, including anticipatory steps and the need for good synergy between vendors and employers so that ATM/CRM machine security can be maintained together.

Vendors are required to formulate and implement steps to prevent problems in detail, starting from checking ATM infrastructure and environment consistently on a regular basis. Where evidence of a written report must be submitted to the employer's Bank.

On the sidelines of the discussion, an evaluation of SSI's performance in managing Bank Mandiri's Region XI ATMs, which was based on an objective assessment and based on performance, was considered good. A statement that is quite proud for SSI Region 8 people in particular and certainly raises the good name of PT SSI as a whole.

“Hopefully this positive assessment can increase the morale of SSI Region 8 friends in serving their beloved company. Rest assured, something good will bear fruit,” explained I Gede Wiadi Yoga Sugama, CEO of Region 8.

The SSI Region 8 managed area covers the islands of Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. An area consisting of islands spread from the island of Bali to the island of Timor, but never dampen the enthusiasm of the employees to work and earn a living for their beloved family at home.

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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