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Upacara Bendera HUT Republik Indonesia ke 76

Flag Ceremony of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia

“A great nation is a nation that respects the services of its heroes”, was the expression of the First President of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno. For this reason, we as the next generation of the nation must be able to emulate the spirit and values ??of heroism and make them, the heroes, role models. Including major events in the course of the nation's history, we should remember and celebrate as a form of respect and appreciation for the heroes, and grateful for their sacrifices, now we can enjoy a free and better life.

August 17, 1945 is certainly the most historic day for the Indonesian nation, where the struggle of heroes from various regions and national figures in the struggle for independence can finally be realized. So that every August 17, Indonesians all over the country will raise the Sang Saka Merah Putih.

Likewise on August 17, 2021, which falls on Tuesday. All Indonesian people held a flag ceremony to welcome the 76th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. Although for the second year in a row, the ceremony was only followed from home as the country was forced to hold the event virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Strict implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 4 which has been imposed by the government since July 3, 2021, to overcome an alarming spike in cases due to the more contagious and deadly Delta variant. from the corona virus.

SSI participated in the virtual flag ceremony, according to the ceremony schedule set by the government through the Letter of the Minister of State Secretary Number B-620/M/S/TU.00.04/08/2021 dated August 12, 2021 regarding Guidelines for Commemorating the Anniversary of the 76 Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in 2021.

All Directors, General Managers, Regional CEOs, Unit Managers and employees of the head office must attend the 17 August flag ceremony. Even though the ceremony was virtual and from their respective places, it did not reduce the sense of wisdom and respect for the country and the heroes, SSI employees are required to stand tall with perfect attitude when raising the Red and White Flag and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya at 10.17 - 10.20 WIB.

All SSI (TelkomGroup) employees are also encouraged to take part in the live broadcast of the President of the Republic of Indonesia's State Speech on August 16, 2021 and take part in the Lowering of the Red and White Flag Ceremony on August 17, 2021 at 17.00 WIB through various media channels (television, radio, Indonesian Digital Home platform). and other online media) independently.

Happy 76th Anniversary of Indonesia, the spirit of Indonesia Tough Indonesia Grows, hopefully it can be realized and give pride to the nation's heroes who have sacrificed their body and soul for the nation's independence.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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