Functions and Benefits of Standard Operating Procedures for Companies
In carrying out the company's
operational activities, whether it is a small to large scale company, with
various scopes of work and different backgrounds from human
resources/employees, a reference is needed to align the work system so that the
vision and mission can be achieved. References are often known as Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Whereas SOP is a work guide
that is designed and made systematically and aims to create standardization to
make it easier for employees to complete work and no less important to minimize
work errors. A very important system helps the process of development and
progress of the company.
Based on various sources
summarized by the editor, the following are the functions and benefits of SOPs
for a company in general. And of course, it is hoped that all SSI personnel can
read them wherever they are.
SOP function
1. Guidelines and legal basis,
anticipate various kinds of unexpected situations that may be faced by the
company and at the same time become a reference for carrying out work. SOPs can
also be used as a legal basis in case of irregularities in the company.
2. Making work easier, we often
don't realize that SOPs have made it easier and helped us in getting the job
done. All activities become more organized and orderly. Clear guidelines and
working boundaries between units.
3. Discipline all levels within
the company, Implementing SOPs properly and correctly helps bring all levels of
the company in a positive direction to be more disciplined and responsible for
work. For example, if employees arrive late to the office or leave office hours
on time, they can be subject to sanctions according to the provisions stated in
the SOP, which will certainly reduce jealousy between employees because of
different treatment if the action for violations is not regulated in the
definite provisions (SOP).
4. Detection of obstacles
experienced by employees, SOPs can anticipate unexpected things in the
company's operations, including obstacles that are or will be experienced by
employees. If the obstacles are known, then the company can find ways to fix
SOP Benefits
1. Train employees'
independence, trained employees are more independent and do not depend on
management intervention/direction. Leaders/Top Management can focus more on
solving the company's strategic problems than on technical issues.
2. Avoiding the overlapping of
the implementation of tasks, all work, tasks, and activities of employees have
been arranged according to their portions and proportions. There will be no
overlap in carrying out tasks.
3. Standardization of completing
work, SOP is automatically used as a reference or standard to complete and
succeed in work.
Thus sharing from the editor, hopefully it can be useful for SSI people. Keep the spirit and give the best contribution for the company we love
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