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COU Pangkal Pinang Mengikuti Program Vaksinasi

Pangkal Pinang COU Participates in Vaccination Program

Saturday, July 30, 2021, the Pangkalpinang COU Team led directly by Unit Manager Rahmad Hidayat and most of the staff participated in the first stage of the Covid-19 vaccination activity organized by the Bangka Belitung Regional Police (Polda). Vaccine activities are in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation No. 84 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Vaccination in the Context of Combating the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic.

The central management of SSI itself has made an appeal to all employees, including in the regions, to take part in the vaccination program organized by all government agencies. With the aim of helping the government accelerate vaccines to all citizens so that communal immunity is created and citizens have strong immunity.

The implementation of the vaccine took place at the Bangkal Belitung Police Office, Jalan Bukit Intan, Padang Baru, Pangkalan Baru District, Central Bangka.

Like other vaccination sites, registration and health screening are carried out for prospective vaccine participants and followed by vaccine injections. After that, the vaccine recipient underwent a 30-minute observation period to monitor clinical symptoms that appeared after administration of the vaccine. In medical terms, it is known as Post-Immunization Adverse Events (AEFI).

Residents who have been vaccinated will receive a COVID-19 vaccine certificate which explains that the officer has been vaccinated against Phase I. Phase II of the vaccine will be implemented after 28 days since the first implementation was given.

Hopefully all SSI employees in all corners of the country can immediately get stage I and stage II vaccinations, so that they are more resistant to the corona virus and work productivity can be maintained.

#SSIGoRebound  #BringItOn  #GaNyerah  #AyoBerubah


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