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COU Malang Dipercaya Menambah Kelolaan di BNI Wilayah Malang Raya

Malang COU is Trusted to Add Management at BNI for Greater Malang Region

Rupiah Money Management Services is an attractive business for companies in Indonesia. It is proven that quite a number of companies have been established and compete fiercely in this industry. Almost all ATMs on the island of Java, including in East Java, including large banks, have handed over ATM management to the Rupiah Money Processing Service Provider (PJ PUR). A condition that becomes a challenge for Region VI East Java in maintaining and improving the quality of service to employers in order to maintain business as well as peek at new opportunities.

Thanks to hard work and dedication to creating excellent service to employers, SSI Region VI with 14 COU offices spread across major cities in East Java, was trusted by Bank BNI Region 18 Malang to manage all ATMs in Malang Raya. Where previously 83% of BNI Malang Regional Office ATMs had been managed by SSI.

The handover of ATM/CRM management begins on Monday. July 26, 2021, the number of handovers of 139 ATM machines and 28 CRM machines is planned to be implemented in stages with a target of completion in 2 weeks.

Solikin, as CEO of Region VI East Java, participated in overseeing the Hand Over process and at the same time submitted the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) document which had been signed together at the BNI Malang Regional Office, Jalan Jend. Basuki Rahmat no. 75-77, Kauman Malang City.

In a meeting forum with the ATR leader of Bank BNI Malang Region, Amin Nur Huda, it was stated that with the addition of ATM/CRM management in the City of Malang Raya to SSI, it is hoped that SSI will always be consistent in maintaining the achievement of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) exceeding the agreed target and consistency in implementing the Standard. Operating Procedure (SOP) to guarantee ATM machine security.

Hopefully hope and trust can be achieved, so that cooperation can last and the company will be more prosperous in the future.

#SSIGoRebound   #GaNyerah   #AyoBerubah


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