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Kiat Motivasi Bekerja Dengan Baik

Motivational Tips for Working Well

Routines and pressures at work make us have to have high, stable and increasing motivation to help us achieve the work targets assigned by the leadership. As a staff, the work carried out on a daily basis often fluctuates in load and intensity. We cannot escape this condition, because it has been stated in the employment agreement between the employee and the company. This is where the importance of motivation and strong drive to carry out tasks and responsibilities well.


Motivation is a psychological element that exists in each individual. Everyone has work motivation, it's just that not all are able to maintain the rhythm of work and increase their motivation. Naturally, this is what happens, so everyone has a different level of motivation.

Often, motivation comes first from within. What is desired will trigger behavior so that it is moved to achieve it. People will easily complete their work independently and usually the results will be maximized. Motivation that comes from within oneself is often known as intrinsic motivation.

Motivation that comes from outside parties is termed extrinsic motivation. Motivation that arises due to outside influences, such as an order from a superior or a certain invitation from another party. Our lives are basically inseparable from the influence of conditions outside of us. Sometimes the things that affect us have different characteristics. When we work in a certain environment, the things we encounter may be pleasant. However, when moving to another condition or to another workplace, conditions may change to be different from before.

On this occasion, the editor will share 5 tips to motivate yourself, in order to achieve maximum work results which of course can help colleagues get a good assessment from the leadership.

1. Enjoying Our Work

When we want to apply for a job, we always say that we will accept any job vacancy that is important to be able to work. But when you get a job, over time boredom begins to creep in, then alternatives and comparisons emerge in your mind. Certain considerations arise, as if this hard-earned work has weighed on us.

If that happens, then think back to the first time you offered to work. Maybe by trying our best to work and trying to focus on our work, then the feeling of pleasure in the work will reappear. It can be said that we upgrade our thinking so that we come back as if we had just worked in that place.

2. Satisfaction with our work

Cultivate a sense of satisfaction within yourself towards work. Think of this work as something for which we should be grateful. Remember …. There are millions of people out there who want our work. Even the competition that occurs in the work environment may be a manifestation of the desire of others to like our work.

 3. Success Is The Fruit Of Struggle

We always assume that work is a task that must be completed because of the consequences of being in that position. But the greatest thing is when we want to live it happily. Desire makes it into something different from what other people do. This means that there is a strong urge to give more meaning to what we have done before or what other people have done.

4. Face the problem, not run from it

Of course, in life in the office or wherever we work, problems will always exist. Problems can arise at any time and are caused by things that may be unexpected. If we are willing and able to realize it, then we should make peace with the problem and not run away from it. Slowly and gradually, this will lead us to a better level of maturity.

The atmosphere in the office sometimes makes us less accepting. This is because everyone has different characteristics. They have different traits and personalities. Of course, there is the potential for problems to arise. So it is necessary to prepare yourself, your heart and feelings so that you can deal with it calmly, well and not bring up other new problems.

5. Emulate Successful People With a Process Approach

Surely we meet people who are successful in the neighborhood. They live happily, happily and in abundance. We have to look at it with a process approach. That is, when we see someone who is successful we say why I can't be like him. Or Why am I not as successful as him. We need to follow what he's doing. In terms of our perspective on people it is not quite right. We should tell ourselves that, if I had done what he did, I might as well be successful like him. In the exception that what the person does is something noble or does not deviate from work norms. So we're going to follow someone through the process he did. Not on the results he achieved.

All SSI people, motivating ourselves because we want to be better is a noble job. We will keep trying all our time. The problem will still be there. But we will continue to fill our minds with good things and always try to have a peaceful attitude to get them done.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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