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Human Capital Division Selenggarakan On Boarding Pegawai Baru

Human Capital Division Held On Boarding New Employees

Employee skills and competencies are important pillars of creating excellent service to employers. Employee turnover is quite high because the term employee contract system presents its own challenges to maintain service quality and efforts to maintain performance,

The Human Capital Division (HCA) organizes onboarding for new employees to provide an understanding of the job or job description according to the unit occupied and an introduction to the company. So that new employees can work effectively and efficiently and are able to meet the work targets set.

On Thursday, July 15, 2021, HCA will again hold online onboarding of new employees. Where the host of the event was held from the SSI Head Office, Graha Manggala Pakarti Building, Jalan Arterial JORR no. 70. Participants who took part in the on barding were new employees in all Central Operation Unit (COU) offices spread across the country.

Joko Prabowo, Manager of the Human Capital Development Unit, led the activity accompanied by several members. On boarding discussed about the introduction of Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Cash Deposit Machines (CDM) and Cash Recycle Machines (CRM), it is hoped that new employees can know the basic components of the upper & lower compartment machines, know the infrastructure that supports machine performance, understand how the machine works, to discuss the types of problems that occur in the machine.

The next agenda was conveyed about the duties of the COU employees. Employees must know the main duties and functions of each work unit in the COU, know the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of each work unit, know the flow chart of operational activities.

Employees are also introduced to the Rupiah currency, starting from understanding the characteristics of the authenticity of Rupiah currency (CIKUR), giving a brief overview of the history of the Rupiah and exploring the 3D method of checking the authenticity of Rupiah.

Finally, employees are introduced to the Company's Company Profile, such as knowing PT SSI's core business, Vision, Mission and Company Quality Policy, as well as the company's organizational structure.

“The implementation of onboarding is an HCA effort to support the maintenance of the quality of human resources in carrying out daily operations. So that we can maintain excellent service quality to our partners,” explained Rizky Agustawanto, GM Human Capital Division to the editor.

We hope that the onboarding activities will be useful for the participants so that they are able to work optimally and contribute more to the companies we love.

Amen YRA. . .

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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