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Doa Bersama Keluarga Besar APJATIN untuk Kemaslahatan Bangsa

Prayers with APJATIN's Big Family for the Benefit of the Nation

The world community and Indonesia in particular have made quite a lot of efforts to implement the implementation of the Covid 19 pandemic which began to hit since the end of 2019. Obedient to implementing 3M which is currently increasing to 6M (Washing hands, Using masks, Keeping distance, Limiting mobility, Staying away and eating together) continues to be heavily campaigned as one of its efforts.

Coupled with vaccinations for the entire population and several government policies, including PPKM, solely aimed at preventing and preventing the attack of this dangerous virus.

As human beings who believe in the presence of God, prayer is a spiritual factor for the people that supports the success of all efforts made in overcoming the pandemic. Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 18.15 WIB to 19.00 PT SSI was present at the event held by the APJATIN extended family holding a joint prayer event which was carried out by Virtual Conference or Online,

The activity was started by Inne Yuaniza (Chairman of APJATIN), followed by remarks by Imadudin Sahabat (Director of the Bank Indonesia Money Management Department), for a joint prayer led by Joko Sri Purwoko (Director of Operations of PT SSI), and attended by all members of APJATIN .

This activity aims for the health and safety of all of us, praying that the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon, people will be healthy, the economy will recover. The government has adopted health policies and vaccinations as an effort to protect themselves, prayer as an effort to protect themselves, prayer as a powerful spiritual effort to support the success of all efforts made in overcoming the pandemic.

This country is still stricken with disaster, we have been busy for more than a year to prevent and prevent the spread of Covid-19, which has recently surged again with more ferocity and various variations. We really believe, but remain optimistic that God will not give trials beyond our ability to expect.

By praying, we strengthen our spirituality, optimism, hope, and belief so that our efforts can achieve maximum results. Efforts and prayers are the keys to success in overcoming this pandemic.

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change the condition of themselves." (Surah Ar Ra'd: 11)

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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