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Penerapan 5-S Sebagai Bagian Dari Service Excellent

Implementation of 5-S as Part of Excellent Service

Smiles, Greetings, Greetings, Polite and Polite or better known as 5-S are 5 simple words but have very important meanings in the service business world. Where in daily activities, a service company always interacts with employers/consumers. Every employee of the company is obliged to carry out 5-S so that consumers are comfortable when communicating and interacting with us.

Excellent service is not only a matter of the superiority of the product produced by a company or the speed of response time in solving problems. The 5S element is an important part of improving services so that consumers are satisfied and loyal to the company. Consumer behavior and responses to our services, cannot be controlled or directed. They always compare one company to another. For the sake of creating service excellence, additional 5S is needed to complement product and service excellence so that the company gets customer satisfaction

The first "S" is a smile when we meet consumers. The first thing we do is give a smile, of course it's not just a smile but a sincere and sincere smile. A sincere smile can be seen from your facial expression, so if you just smile but don't sincerely, it will give a negative impression on your company. Giving a smile in the first second you serve customers will give a positive impression for the company and yourself personally.

The second ā€œSā€ is greeting. According to the time at the time of meeting, for example: Good morning is 7.00 to 10.00 WIB, Good Afternoon After 10.00 to 15.00 WIB, Good afternoon after 15.00 to 18.00 WIB, and after 18.00 WIB is good night. Giving greetings according to time is a sign that as an employee you are always concentrated so that you always give greetings according to time, not carelessly. It also gives a positive impression for consumers of you and your company.

The third "S" is greeting, which is greeting consumers politely and friendly, making it a habit to call them "Father or Mother". It would be better if we memorized the consumer so as to give the impression of paying close attention to each consumer. Don't forget after you finish serving customers, say thank you politely and keep a friendly smile.

The fourth "S" is polite, which is to maintain our behavior properly which shows character. Don't speak rudely and understand ethics.

The fifth "S" is polite. In providing superior service to consumers, it cannot be separated from maintaining good communication. Communication is one form of service that you can provide to consumers, namely by speaking politely, politely and having the ability to explain and provide solutions to consumers.

Communication is one of the most important things in building trust in consumers. A person who is able to communicate well has more value for his company. Employees who are able to provide good explanations, can restrain themselves and are not easily offended and emotional when dealing with consumer complaints and complaints are characteristics of employees who are able to communicate wisely.

PT SSI which is also a service company in the field of cash management. Where all human beings such as: field officers (restockers, FLM, technicians and CIT), marketing staff and including elements of leadership, often interact with person in charge (PIC) partners or bank customers who are conducting transactions at ATMs.

The responses and behavior of consumers that we face are different. There are those who are polite, detailed, critical and do not rule out the possibility that for some reason the customer's attitude is angry and speaks in a high tone. However, we must have calm and be armed with 5S when interacting with consumers.

It is important that all SSI personnel always initiate interactions with customers by implementing a 5S attitude. Coupled with the ability to complete qualified and swift work, we will undoubtedly be able to provide a sense of comfort to consumers. And in the end, consumers will give a good assessment of us and of course our company. This will have an impact on the sustainability of the company's business.

Those are the tips from the editor, hopefully they can be useful and useful for all SSI people. So that the company can continue to provide excellent service to consumers, by implementing 5S to support the excellence of our service products

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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