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Customer Courtesy ke BNI Kantor Wilayah Malang

Customer Courtesy to BNI Malang Regional Office

Customer courtesy is the company's efforts to build a customer experience, so that the company is able to have loyal customers and are always loyal to our products. Various efforts have been made to build customer experience, such as: having reliable customer service staff, providing the best service to customers, building intense communication and coordination as well as several other actions that support the creation of a superior product and company image in the eyes of employers.

As a concrete action in building coordination and good working relationships with customers, management seeks to discuss directly with partners, in official meeting forums and events organized by customers such as gatherings, social services, joint sports and others.

Monday, June 7, 2021, the Director of Marketing & Business Development accompanied by the GM Marketing & Business paid a visit to Bank BNI in the Malang Region for the SSI service evaluation meeting. The visit was received directly by the leadership of Bank BNI which is directly related to ATM management.

In the meeting forum which took place at the BNI Malang Regional Office, Jalan Jend. Basuki Rahmat no. 75-77, Kauman Malang City conducted several discussions. Where the main discussion is about the performance of SSI services that have been running in several cities in southern East Java, such as Tulungagung, Kediri, Banyuwangi, Jember, including the city of Malang. BNI conveyed several things that needed to be improved, especially maintaining the achievement of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) exceeding the agreed target and consistency in implementing the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that the security of the Bank's ATM machines can be guaranteed.

Not to forget, the meeting discussed the potential for additional management which will certainly increase the company's revenue. In this discussion, BNI again emphasized that the main requirement is that the achievement of SLA SSI must exceed the agreed target consistently every month.

Hopefully the visit from the Director of Marketing & Business Development to Bank BNI Malang Region can give results as expected and the company will be more advanced in the future.


#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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