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Restrukturisasi Organisasi

Organizational Restructuring

In order to adjust the dynamics of the business and strengthen the functions and roles of the organization, management made changes to the company's organizational structure. This is done at the level of division, group to unit.

For leadership positions in new organizational units, a selection is made to employees who are interested and meet the specified qualifications. The selection is termed a job tender, which is carried out openly and fairly.

The selection process at the Division Leader level or currently the title of General Manager (GM) has been completed. Where the results of 10 (ten) GMs have been determined by the job tender committee.

On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, the GM position handover ceremony was held in a hybrid manner (a combination of physical and virtual meetings) at the SSI Jatiwarna office. The event was attended by all selected Directors and General Managers.

In the event, a symbolic appointment decree was handed over. The decree was handed over by Mr. John Yuwono as the President Director to Mr. Brata Robinto who carried out the mandate as Corporate Secretary General Manager.

In his remarks, the President Director hoped that the optimization of the organizational structure and the selection process according to competence could make SSI even better and develop in the present and in the future.

List of Division names and their respective General Managers:

1. Audit & Risk Management Division, Heni Sukma Nugraha

2. Corporate Secretary Division, Brata Robinto

3. Marketing & Business Division, Raden Irwan Setiana

4. Supporting & Business Development Division, Dhani Iskandar

5. Operation Division, Iwan Misriono

6. Operation Support Division, Sufiyan

7. Information Technology & Manage Service Division, Asep Dwi Alko

8. Procurement & Logistics Division, Thomas Sibarani

9. Human Capital Division, Muh. Riezqi Agustawanto

10. Financial Control Division, Anggoro Hari Nugroho

Congratulations to the General Managers who have been given the mandate by management. Hopefully we can work optimally and bring success to the company we love.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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