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Cinta, Bangga, Paham Uang Rupiah

Love, Proud, Understanding Rupiah

On Saturday, May 29, 2021, SSI Operations Center Makassar received an invitation to attend the Rupiah Money Management Refresment event organized by the Bank Indonesia Makassar Representative Office, the activity was also attended by local banking circles and PJ PUR. The theme of the activity is LOVE, PROUD, and UNDERSTANDING Rupiah.

Fitrah Ubarkah as the leader of the Makassar Operations Center together with Muhammad Taufiq Muslim served on behalf of the company. Where activities are carried out for a full day starting at 07.30 – 17.00 WITA. Located at Hotel Rinra, Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga, Makassar City.

In one of the program arrangements, the committee held a Kahoot Games competition based on an understanding of Love, Proud, Understanding Rupiah. A game that must be followed by all audiences who attend the event. SSI representatives won 2nd place, received applause and appreciation from the organizers and the audience. Don't forget to give the winners an additional award and get a photo with the Deputy Head of the Bank Indonesia Representative for South Sulawesi Province, Mr. Endang Kurnia Saputra.

Hopefully the event can provide benefits and provisions for the audience so that they will be more LOVE, PROUD and UNDERSTAND Rupiah, and especially for SSI Makassar colleagues to be more successful and contribute to the progress of the company.

Makassar, Teai Mangkasara Punna Bokona Loko !!!

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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