The Spirit of the Nation Fighters Who Become Exemplary Exemplars of Our Generation
Thursday, 20 May 2021
starting at 07.30 WIB, PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI) personnel
participated in the 113th National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) commemoration
ceremony virtually. The ceremony was held at the Ministry of Communication and
Information Office in Jakarta.
The theme for this year's
National Awakening Day is "Rise up! We are a Tough Nation." With this
theme, it is hoped that the Indonesian people will be able to continue to
maintain, grow and strengthen the spirit of mutual cooperation and be
optimistic about the future. Not only that, through the commemoration of
National Awakening Day 2021, it is also expected to be able to provide
enthusiasm to accelerate the recovery of the Indonesian nation from the
Covid-19 pandemic.
National Awakening Day is
commemorated every May 20, because it is taken from the birth date of the Boedi
Oetomo organization. Founded by Dr. Sutomo and students of school tot opleiding
van indische Artsen or STOVIA.
Since then, Indonesia entered
a period of national movement, unity, unity and awareness to fight for
Indonesian independence.
In line with the spirit of
national awakening, it can be a role model for all internal circles of the
company. Let us SSI people always give sincere devotion and loyalty in working
to build the company we love. Avoid being dishonest and harming others, family
and yourself. Work in a compact and respectful manner, so that the company we
love can continue to live forever, prosper and become a source of blessings.
#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn
#GaNyerah #AyoBerubah