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Dirgahayu SSI ke-25 Tahun

25th Anniversary of SSI

Praise our Gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, who has given us favors and protection to the company and all SSI personnel so that they can celebrate the company's 25th anniversary, which falls on Saturday, May 15, 2021.

Established in 1996, the company started its business with maintenance and repair services for BNI Bank ATM machines. And it continues to expand to other types of business, in the form of cash replenishment and repair of the first level of ATM machines and cash management services. With partners consisting of the banking sector and non-banking financial institutions.

The best praise and respect deserves to be conveyed to the founding fathers of PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI). Thanks to strong business instincts, tenacity and high enthusiasm to have successfully built the company from scratch and has grown rapidly to date, SSI has become the market leader in the Rupiah Money Processing Service Provider (PJ PUR) industry.

Another fact to be proud of is that SSI has 104 operational offices spread across the country, good and complete infrastructure to support operations and has more than 6,000 employees. It is something to be grateful for and be proud of being part of SSI.

In a situation that is concerned and limited due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has been going on for more than 1 year, the moment of the 25th Anniversary, which is the 'Silver Age', was forced to not give a thanksgiving event with a physical meeting, but management still gave 'appreciation' to all SSI personnel, as a thanksgiving to the Almighty and of course thanks to employees who have worked hard for the company in 2020.

Not to forget, the “Award Tradition” to employees who have served for 20 years is still given. Seniors who have been part of SSI's business since its inception. The award ceremony for employees who served 20 years was held on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. The event was held virtually attended by all Directors and Division Leaders. While the acceptance of the award is given symbolically by the President Director and the employee representative is Mr. Apin Rudi Prayitno.

List of 9 employees who received the 20 year service award:

1. Raden Irwan Setiana

2. Iman Syahrudin

3. Nanang Muis

4. Dhany Iskandar

5. Jalalludin

6. Apin Rudi Prayitno

7. Budi Hariyanto

8. Asep Tofandi Saputra

9. Agus Bukhari Muslim

Thank you to the board of directors who always strive to pay more attention to employees.

Thank you SSI people for their hard work and dedication so that SSI can reach the age of 25 years and continue to grow

Hopefully the 25th SSI Anniversary will be more advanced, strong and prosperous.


#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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Head Office :
Bellagio Office Park, Unit OUG 31-32 Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Kav E4.3 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Setiabudi-Jakarta Selatan 12950
(021) 30066109-112

Operational Head Office :
Jl. Arteri JORR, No 70, Jati Melati-Pondok Melati, Bekasi 17446
(021) 2947 4350

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika