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Tingkatkan Kualitas Layanan kepada Pemberi Kerja, SSI Luncurkan Aplikasi CIT Mobile

Improving Service Quality to Employers, SSI Launches the CIT Mobile Application

Jakarta - SSI is the largest PJPUR company in Indonesia with a market share of 30% and a coverage area covering all corners of Indonesia. The number of offices is 106 well-known points throughout the provincial capitals and other major cities.

Three types of businesses are run, namely :

  1. Cash Replenishment & First Level Maintenance Services
  2. Maintenance and Repair of Advanced Level ATM Machines (Second Level Maintenance)
  3. Distribution, Processing (Sorting) and Depositing of Rupiah Currency, or better known as Cash Management

SSI in order to improve services shows a commitment to employers who have entrusted their money management by building an application that supports the operational activities of Cash Management services. This application is called 'CIT Mobile, which is an Android-based application that is able to present data on customer cash pick-up & deliver

SSI in order to improve services shows a commitment to employers who have entrusted their money management by building an application that supports the operational activities of Cash Management services. This application is called 'CIT Mobile, which is an Android-based application that is able to present data on customer cash pick-up & delivery service activities in real time. Thus, the cash position of customers managed by SSI can be monitored and the bookkeeping at the bank is immediately recorded without waiting for physical money to be deposited before the next day, as when services were still conventional / manual.

The CIT mobile application began to be developed in mid-June 2020, which is currently entering the piloting project stage and is being tested in several SSI Jatiwarna Operations Center Offices, Bandung, Sukabumi, Karawang and Serang. The employer who first enjoyed the CIT mobile application was Adira Finance's pick-up & delivery service and it was recorded that there were a total of 4,260 cash pick-up activities per month.

SSI's pick up & delivery service totals 27 thousand trips a month. With working members consisting of banking banking or other non-banking financial companies.

Keuntungan yang didapat dari pemberi kerja dengan hadirnya aplikasi CIT seluler ini adalah, uang setoran yang dikelola SSI dapat langsung dipergunakan karena langsung terbuku direkening. Mampu memonitor jumlah uang mereka yang berada dikantor-kantor cabang sehingga terjamin lebih terjamin.

The advantage obtained from employers with the presence of the CIT mobile application is that deposits managed by SSI can be used immediately because they are immediately published in the account. Able to monitor the amount of their money in branch offices so that it is more secure.

"The CIT Mobile application shows that SSI continues to make fundamental improvements in terms of people, processes and technology. So that the company can continue to progress and develop in the future," said SSI's Business & Marketing Director Bambang Sapto Adji.

#bringITon #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah #SSIBisa


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