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SSI Ikut Serta Dalam Gada Utama

SSI Participates in Gada Utama

SSI participated in the 11th Generation Gada Utama education and training activities organized by PT Satya Haprabu Perkasa in collaboration with the POLRI BAHARKAM KORBINMAS which took place on March 21 - March 26, 2021. The activity was attended by 116 participants from various regions, where SSI participated in This activity is to improve the security competence at the Top Management level, in addition, the SSI Gada Utama training certificate is a requirement for the leadership of a Security Service Business Entity (BUJP) company.

This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007, concerning the Security Management System for Organizations, Companies / Government Agencies / Agencies.

Located at the Bountique Hotel Kemayoran, SSI was represented by Joko Sri Purwoko as Director of Operations accompanied by Budiman, Jakarta Regional Leader 1.

The activity took place differently from before because it was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it had to carry out the Health protocol strictly according to the provisions. The committee added the participation requirements in the form of restrictions on the number of participants, the obligation of participants to undergo urine checks and rapid tests. Do not forget that participants must use PPE, such as masks or face shields, provide hand sanitizers and carry out routine body temperature checks before starting activities.

In addition to the reasons for the requirements as a BUJP company, the participation of Top Management aims to gain an understanding of security management standards against internal and external threats to the company's business activities.

The activity lasts for 6 days, runs smoothly without obstacles, enough to interact, and is followed carefully.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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