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Rapat Koordinasi Persiapan Peak Season Rafi SSI area Jakarta 1 Bersama BNI KCU Tangerang

Coordination Meeting for Preparation for Peak Season Rafi SSI Jakarta 1 area with BNI KCU Tangerang

Friday, 19 March 2021 SSI operations division team attended an invitation to a meeting from the BNI Tangerang Main Branch Office. The meeting was precisely held at 13.00 WIB after the Friday Prayers at the city of Tangerang.

The presence of SSI was represented by Bagus Tri Prasetyo, Deputy for SSI Operations accompanied by Budiman (Jakarta Regional Leader 1), Suparta (Deputy Regional Leader), Wahyu Savitri (Deputy Regional Leader), Agus Sugih (Head of the Tangerang Operations Center 1), M Fajar Subhan (Leader Tangerang Operation Center 2) and Alvenus Awang (Manage Service Tangerang). From BNI Tangerang Main Branch Office attended by Prasetyo and Bambang Djatmiko (Assistant General Manager of ATM Outlets).

The meeting aims, apart from being a form of friendship, also discussed issues of strategy for achieving ATM management performance in Tangerang, namely: ATM management remapping, evaluation of the handling of several ATM points that are prone to vandalism and preparation for the peak of cash withdrawals at ATMs ahead of Ramadan and Eid (Rafi). where the location of the Tangerang area serves many factory and office employees.

The atmosphere of the discussion went serious but relaxed and the talking points were resolved completely. Do not forget to close the meeting with a group photo.

Hopefully the collaboration with BNI Bank can always be lasting, increasing and mutually beneficial.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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