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SSI Hadir dalam Diskusi Arah Kebijakan Bank Indonesia

SSI Present at Bank Indonesia Policy Direction Discussion

In order to evaluate policies related to the circulation of Rupiah currency in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia invited members of the Working Group of the Rupiah Money Management Industry Forum (FORIN PUR) to hold a discussion on Friday, (13/10) at the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta.
SSI, which is a member of FORIN PUR, was also present, represented by Moh. Adil Marketing & Business Development Director and Moh. Riezqi General Manager Operations II. Discussion material related to the concept of policy direction which includes developing business models and strengthening synergies in the implementation of Rupiah currency circulation with industry.
Bank Indonesia also urges all strategic partners to play an optimal role in accelerating the replacement or destruction of money that is not fit for circulation and replaced with new ones (clean money policy).
#SSIUnite #SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas #ElevatingYourFuture


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