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Pegawai SSI Mengikuti Training Bank Competency Center

SSI Employees Participate in Bank Competency Center Training

Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI), which is a member of APJATIN, enrolls its employees in the Training Bank Competency Center. Training, learning and consulting are organized by the Indonesian Bankers Association-Banking Competency Center (IBI-BCC) to obtain certification. This certification is one of the regulations for Rupiah Money Processing Service Providers (PJPUR).
Activities held in July s.d. August 2023 online. The training was divided into 3 classes, class A was given to employees who picked up and delivered money, class B was given to employees who counted money and class C was given to employees who filled in money. A total of approximately 1,000 SSI employees participated in obtaining this certification.

#SSIUnite #SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas #ElevatingYourFuture


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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika