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Sentra Operasi Cianjur Hadiri Acara Sosialisasi Pengamanan Polres Cianjur

Cianjur Operation Center Attends Cianjur Police Security Socialization Event

As a PJ PUR company as well as a Security Service Business Entity (BUJP), SSI requires assistance in daily operations and security from the Police when distributing cash to destination points. The company must also have a BUJP permit issued by the Indonesian National Police Agency (POLRI).

In addition to having a BUJP business license, SSI, in this case the leaders of all lines, need to understand the provisions in the Chief of Police Regulation No. 24 of 2007 Audit Procedures for Issuance of Recommendations and Operational Permits for Security Services Business Entities. A deeper understanding of regulations can also be obtained through meetings and discussions with related parties.

In line with this, on Monday, March 15, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. WIB at the Cianjur Police Hall building, represented by Duan S. Putra as the SSI Operations Center Leader attended the socialization, discussion as well as the signature of the escort cooperation from the Cianjur Police.

Also attending the event were several local banking officials, Andi Dermawan, Head of Customer Service, Erry Rinaldi, Head of Bank BJB Cianjur, Dedi Siswanto SPO BRI Cianjur and were welcomed by Mochamad Rifai, S.I.K., M.Krim as Deputy Chief Commissioner of Police.

The activity went well, communication was quite good and very memorable, the Cianjur Resort Police would like to thank them for being given confidence in security and escort services for companies and banking in the Cianjur region.

On the opportunity given, Duan also expressed his gratitude for the support and loyalty of his fellow Cianjur Police members in carrying out their daily duties and obligations.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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