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SSI Kelola Cash Management BCA KCP Talang Banjar

SSI Manages the Cash Management of BCA KCP Talang Banjar

Jambi - On Monday, 19 June 2023 Wahyu Nugraha Assistant Manager of SSI COU Jambi together with Monang Purba Cashier Staff of COU Jambi conducted a handover of cash management at BCA KCP Talang Banjar. The BCA team, represented by Mariska as the Head of Operations for the BCA KCP Talang Banjar Jambi, welcomed the event.
The SSI team gave an explanation regarding cash pick-up operations and the cash processing center process. Also explained the obstacles that can arise along with solutions. The hope is that SSI COU Jambi can provide the best service.
Thank you for the trust given to SSI, I hope the cooperation will be lasting and mutually beneficial for both parties.

#SSIUnite #SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas #ElevatingYourFuture


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