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SSI Kembali Di Percaya Menjadi Narasumber Di Bank Indonesia

SSI Is Believed To Be A Resource Person At Bank Indonesia

Director of Business & Marketing of PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika Bambang Sapto Adji was appointed as a resource person in the Training Program for Assistant Manager Candidates (PCPM) Batch XXXV and Certification (SPR 1308) Supervision of Cash Custody and Cash Management Companies organized by the Bank Indonesia Institute at 11.00 WIB on Thursday (18 / 3).

The event presented 59 participants who are prospective Bank Indonesia employees who will occupy the position of Assistant Manager regarding the concept, ecosystem and the latest issue of managing Rupiah Currency, considering that the Covid-19 pandemic is still not over, the event will be held virtually from SSI's Graha Maggala Pakarti building.

In the material given by Bambang, he delivered material on "Prospects and Challenges of the Money Processing Industry in Indonesia, especially in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic". Where the Indonesian Rupiah Money Processing Service Provider (PJPUR) industry is still asked to continue to work optimally in the midst of a pandemic condition by adhering to well-established health protocols.

In front of 59 participants, Bambang conveyed the Role of the PJPUR Industry in Rupiah Currency Processing, the Work Framework for the Money Processing Industry, Current Development of the Money Processing Industry, the last is Future Plans and Current Issues Related to Money Processing

With limitations in all aspects due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Bambang hopes that all employees can continue to be enthusiastic and not tired to give birth to various innovations in order to achieve the set targets.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika