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Sekali Mendayung, Dua Tiga Pulau Terlampaui

One Time Rowing, Two And Three Islands Are Surpassed

During the pandemic of the corona virus that never ended, the public interest in exercising was even increasing. The pandemic has even rearranged individual priorities in exercising in order to improve immune function to fight the spread of the Covid 19 virus. Cycling is one of the easy sports that can be done to increase the body's immunity in the midst of a pandemic like this. Cycling is also fun when done alone or together.

Departing from this, Jalalludin, Head of Management Service SSI Palembang together with the Technology Division of the Bank of South Sumatra & Bangka Belitung (Sumsel Babel) carried out routine Fun Bike sports activities including the last one being held on Saturday, March 6, 2021.

Apart from exercising, this activity also serves as a bridge to strengthen friendship and coordination outside working hours. Sometimes coordination is easier by taking advantage of time outside of work hours, creating a more relaxed atmosphere.

The ride starts at 05.30 WIB, starting with dawn prayers together, starting at the Jendral Sudirman Street Fountain Roundabout, which is the KM zero point of Palembang city and continuing around Palembang City and not forgetting to pay attention to health protocols by still wearing masks

It's like rowing, two and three islands are exceeded. By exercising regularly, Jalalludin can maintain boosting immunity while improving coordination with work partners.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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