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CEO Region VII Mengikuti Program Perbankan Berekspresi

Region VII CEO Joins the Banking Program Expression

Probolinggo – Chief Executive Officer Region VII, Mubasyir Ihsan participated in the Express Banking Program which was held on 17-19 March 2023 in Probolinggo, East Java. The program organized by Bank Indonesia, Central Kalimantan Province, is packaged under the term Express Banking, which means Joint Exploration, Management and Education of the Rupiah.
SSI as a Rupiah Processing Service Provider (PJPUR) participates in this activity which is organized to support Bank Indonesia's role in ensuring the availability of Rupiah according to the needs of the community. To make these activities successful, Bank Indonesia Central Kalimantan built synergies with banking & PJPUR companies in the Central Kalimantan region to ensure money circulation activities comply with applicable operational standards and procedures.
The forum also discussed strengthening the coordination of rupiah currency management activities, education on the love and pride of understanding the rupiah and the refreshment of Bank Indonesia's cash service information system.

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