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Kegiatan Olahraga Bersama Bank BNI

Sports Activities with Bank BNI

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI) invited PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Regional Office 14 & Regional Office 15 on Friday, 17 February 2023 in the context of a friendly football match. The most popular sport in the world and is very popular with men. The activity was held at the Pancoran Soccer Field, Pancoran, South Jakarta. In this activity, the BNI football team commanded by Zaki, along with Bank BNI Regional Office (Kanwil) 15 employees who like to play football.

Men sana in corpore sano, a sentence in Latin that is well known, if translated into Indonesian means 'in a healthy body there is a strong soul'. In addition to nutritious food intake, a good lifestyle and adequate rest, of course we must not forget to exercise diligently in order to keep our bodies healthy and fit. In addition to joint sports activities, this friendly competition was held to establish friendship and communication with BNI as one of the SSI's prime customer who has worked together for a long time.

Do not forget that we hope that the business cooperation between the two companies can be lasting and mutually beneficial, Amin.


#SSIUnite #SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas


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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika