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SSI Menjadi Narasumber Sharing Perusahaan PJPUR

SSI Becomes a PJPUR Company Sharing Resource Person

Labuan Bajo - PT SSI represented by Moh. Riezqi Agustawanto General Manager of Human Capital & Compliance was a guest speaker at the regulation, supervision and risk mitigation of cash management certification by Bank Indonesia. The event was held at Merurorah Hotel Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday (7/12).
This activity was organized by Bank Indonesia for the Rupiah Money Processing Service Provider Company (PJPUR) as a sharing moment as well as to provide knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of the role of the money processing industry in managing Rupiah currency at present and in the future.
Thank you for the trust Bank Indonesia has invited SSI to be a guest speaker at the event.


#SSIUnite #SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas


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