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SSI Hadiri Risk Management Forum TelkomMetra Group 2023

SSI Attends TelkomMetra Group 2023 Risk Management Forum

In line with efforts to create a "Risk Awareness Culture", TelkomMetra held the TelkomMetra Group 2023 Risk Management Forum. The activity was held on 2-3 February 2023 located in Perjuangan City, Yogyakarta.
In the event, PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI), which is part of the TelkomMetra Group, was represented by Mr. Mohamad Abdul Muqtadir Srihono as PLT President Director, Abdul Azis as Senior Manager of Risk Management and Dede Yuswanto as Manager of Risk Management.

The event is held at the beginning of the year to provide evaluation and appreciation which is part of a series of Risk Management Maturity Level assessments for Subsidiaries. In submitting the TelkomMetra Group Risk Maturity Level Assessment results for 2022, SSI was ranked 2nd.
At the end of the event session, it was closed with the signing of a commitment and a continuous improvement campaign regarding Enterprise Risk Management to all levels in the TelkomMetra Group.


#SSIUnite #SSIBersatu #TumbuhMelampauiBatas


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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika