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Webinar Basic Fun Coding HTML CSS by HCC

Webinar Basic Fun Coding HTML CSS by HCC

The Human Capital & Compliance Division (HCC) again held a webinar activity to improve employee competency in the digital field. The webinar which was held on December 13 2022 online through the ZOOM Meeting media with the theme "Basic Fun Coding HTML CSS".
Joko Prabowo as the resource person assisted by Aziz Baskoro as the moderator discussed technical ways to develop and maintain good and optimal websites, because these skills will be needed to face the digitalization era going forward. SSI employees were quite enthusiastic about participating in this activity, as can be seen from the quite a number of questions during the webinar and the participants also practiced directly step by step in each presentation given.
Hopefully this activity can continue by presenting interesting & practicable materials so as to foster the interest of all SSI people.


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