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Morning Briefing, Membangun Budaya Kerja Positif dengan Koordinasi yang Baik

Morning Briefing, Building a Positive Work Culture with Good Coordination

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 The Palembang Central Operation Unit (COU) carried out an active morning briefing before starting daily operational activities in the Palembang office yard. Directly led by Rifky Munawar as COU Manager and attended by all morning shift employees.
Activities that are carried out routinely and consistently aim to improve coordination between work units, discuss operational problems and their solutions, including employee discipline and implementation of R3 namely Neat, Clean and Caring for offices and operational supporting infrastructure as directed by the Director of Operations.

Do not forget before starting work, the morning briefing activities were closed with a prayer together. 

Move forward and keep the spirit for the progress of the company and the welfare of SSI employees.

#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah 


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