Tips for Creating a Positive and Productive Work Environment
Working environment conditions greatly affect the productivity and quality of employee performance. The better the environment, the more comfortable and productive employees will be at work. Not only that, employees are also able to bring out their best potential, not just chasing a salary, but they do it for the long term progress of the company.
In order for a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere to materialize in a real way, it requires the direct contribution of each member of the company. This can be realized if all parts of the company take part, not just the leaders. Here are some small things you can do to create a productive and enjoyable work environment.
1. Start the day with a smile
One smile can make a problem go away. Don't forget to give your best smile when you meet co-workers, so that people around you can also feel the positive energy that is in you.
2. Don't hesitate to ask
That's probably the clichéd and simplest principle. But, believe me success can come from the habit of not being ashamed to ask.
3. Show respect
This attitude must always be maintained, especially when arguing with colleagues. Let the other person express their opinion until it's finished, then provide a response. In this way, conflicts in the world of work can be avoided.
4. Appreciate the achievements of others
By appreciating other people's achievements, believe that other people will also do the same for you. They don't even hesitate to help you achieve it, so that happiness at work can be realized.
5. Maintain good communication
Good communication can prevent misunderstandings between superiors and subordinates and fellow subordinates. It's best to say what you want to say directly and clearly.
6. Solve the problem immediately
Before the problem becomes protracted, it's best to solve it immediately. Avoid feigning ignorance of existing problems because it can waste time. Remember, there is still a lot of work to be done, we must stay focused on our work by not thinking about protracted problems.
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