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HCC Selenggarakan Webinar Microsoft Power Point Mastery

HCC Hosts Microsoft Power Point Mastery Webinar

Thursday, 24 November 2022 Human Capital & Compliance Division (HCC) again held training activities to improve employee competency. The event which was held online this time had the theme "Power Point Mastery". That a good understanding of the use of the features in Ms Power Point really helps and makes it easier for us to make presentations, so that the material presented can be delivered optimally.
The speaker for the webinar, Joko Prabowo, was assisted by Aziz Baskoro as the moderator. SSI employees were quite enthusiastic about participating in this activity, as seen from the number of participants which reached hundreds of participants. Hopefully this activity can continue by presenting interesting & practicable materials so as to foster the interest of all SSI people.


#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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