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Courtesy Visit BOD SSI Dengan Direktur Jaringan & Layanan Bank BNI

Courtesy Visit BOD SSI With The Director Of Network Services Bank BNI

Jakarta - Wednesday, February 17, 2021 John Yuwono as President Director accompanied by Yudhi Wirawan as Director of Finance and Business Development conducted a Courtesy Visit to PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). During his visit to see Ronny Venir, Network and Service Director. A visit to the head office of Gedung Graha BNI, 32nd floor.

In gathering and improving cooperation coordination that has been running since 1996, SSI also explores business opportunities to increase mutually beneficial cooperation between the two parties.

On this occasion, he also conveyed the dynamics of the management of BNI's ATMs that are spread throughout the archipelago in Indonesia which is quite challenging for SSI in its efforts to achieve the agreed Service Level Agreement target of 99.54%. Travel between remote ATM points and including sea trips is of course one of the factors that causes ATM cash replenishment and first-rate repairs to take time.

However, SSI always strives to maintain its commitment to employers, ready to serve ATM management in all corners of the country with excellent machine service levels.

PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika is a leading service vendor providing technology solutions and ATM management services as well as supporting facilities that prioritize customer satisfaction, ready to strengthen Bank BNI digital services in ATM management activities according to the vision of PT.SSI

Before the meeting ends, do not forget to take a photo together while still paying attention to the Health protocol established by the government.

Hopefully the collaboration with BNI Bank can always be lasting, increasing and mutually beneficial

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika