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Karyawan SSI Ikuti Pelatihan dan Uji Kompetensi QRMP

SSI Employees Participate in QRMP Training and Competency Test

On October 10, 2022, the Professional Certification Institute PT Mitra Kalyana Sejahtera in collaboration with PPM Manajemen held a professional Qualified Risk Management (QRMP) training and competency test in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta which was held until October 14, 2022. SSI represented by Hasan and Irman in the activity is a qualified professional training to get a Risk Management Profession certification based on SNI ISO 31000.
Through material exposure and case studies, participants gain an understanding of applying risk management based on ISO 31000. In order to understand the principles of risk management, risk management frameworks to the process of how to manage risk.
The ability to manage risk is one of the keys for the company to continue to grow and develop.
Hopefully the training activities will be useful for the participants, so that they can lead the company in carrying out its business activities optimally and according to the objectives.


#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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