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Sharing Session Bersama Yudhi Wirawan

Sharing Session With Yudhi Wirawan

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika or commonly called SSI, always tries to improve services for the satisfaction of customers who have given trust. The skills and competencies of employees are one of the main factors in creating excellent service to employers. Skills and competency improvement activities can take the form of training or Sharing Session.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 SSI's Corporate Communication Division held a Sharing Session with the main event of a briefing from Mr. Yudhi Wirawan as Director of Finance & Business Development to Regional Leaders throughout Indonesia. Where in this activity, the achievement of performance and obstacles that occurred in each region in 2020, the company's 2021 targets, strategies for achieving targets and two-way discussions Because the conditions during the Covid 19 pandemic had not subsided, activities were carried out virtually through online media.

In the organizational structure, Regional Leaders represent companies in their respective areas. Interaction and coordination with the employer person in charge (PIC) in each area through the Regional Leader. Includes coordination, complaint handling, work relations and business development potential. Where SSI has a coverage area network covering all of Indonesia. So that a qualified regional leader is needed to be able to orchestrate the company's operational wheels.

Like a tit for tat, the Sharing Session received a positive response from the regional leaders. This was reflected in the enthusiasm during the Q&A session, so that the time allocation prepared was insufficient. In his impression and message, through Mr. Iwan Misriono as the Head of the Operations Operations Division, he hopes that the activities will be carried out more often with a longer duration.

Responding to the enthusiasm of the participants, the Director of Finance & Business Development still opens time and opportunities for further discussion through the Head of the Operations Operations Division or direct communication to him, regarding input and suggestions from Regional Leaders for the progress of the company.

At the closing ceremony, we did not forget to still take photos together virtually as documentation and mementos.

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika