SSI Attends Go Live Cash Deposit Machine at Fastrata Buana Karawang
It is undeniable that the latest in information technology has changed the way we carry out various activities. Digitalization has also certainly had a considerable impact on business growth, because it is able to encourage company performance to be much more effective and efficient. In line with this, SSI created a cash management service using cash deposit machine (CDM) technology.
Wednesday (5/10), Andhyka Sasmita and the marketing team attended the Go Live Cash Deposit Machine at the Fastrata Buana Karawang Office. The event was also attended by Martin Sulistio as a representative of Depos.id and Rika Amelia as a representative of Fastrata Buana. The use of cash deposit machines can make time efficiency and security in depositing rupiah money. Because with a digital safe, rupiah money can be deposited into the account right away in real time.
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