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Peran Generasi Millenial dalam Pemulihan Bangsa

The Role of the Millennial Generation in the Recovery of the Nation

Recently, the millennial generation has become a hot topic of discussion among the public. Not only in terms of education and technology, but also millennial behavior that is different from the previous generation. Due to the influence of very fast globalization, where young people can interact with other humans from various parts of the world. Therefore, globalization makes the millennial generation more open so that their horizons become wider.
The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted for 2 years has also accelerated digital transformation in many business and economic lines. Changes in people's behavior towards a contactless economy are expected to continue and contribute greatly to future economic growth. The millennial group has an important role in efforts to recover the national economy. This potential can be seen from the total population of this group in Indonesia as well as the ability of millennials to use technology. The millennial generation is the key to the performance of the Indonesian nation in the future in facing global competition.
To become a successful millennial generation in the country and in the eyes of the world, here are 5 important points that you can do:
1. Have a Realistic Vision and Mission of the Future
Building a vision of the future using the principles of SMART, Specific (clear), Measurable (can be measured), Achievable (realistic), Relevant (reasonable), and Time-bound goals (clear deadlines). The five elements above will shape the vision and mission in the future to be more realistic and not just nonsense.
2. Creative, Active and Innovative
Higher education alone is not enough, the millennial generation must be equipped with various experiences and good soft skills. Being a creative, active, and innovative person certainly must be possessed in the soul of young people. That is a requirement for the millennial generation to be able to compete and face various challenges in an increasingly dynamic world.
3. Good at Managing Finances
Managing money is quite a difficult thing for some people. Finance is a problem faced by many millennials who always feel that their monthly salary is running out quickly. Learn about how to manage finances, budget your finances every month, detailed financial planning so that your finances remain in a stable condition. This ability to manage money can be one of the things that will benefit you in the future.
4. Confident to Take Risks
Be the millennial generation who dare to take risks. As a successful millennial generation, you should not be afraid to take risks, especially when you make mistakes. Mistakes are a valuable lesson needed to reach the highest point, because failure can actually create strength, alertness, and encourage an introspection to be even better in the future.
Be confident in trying something new even though there are risks. Confidence and a sense of undauntedness in taking risks are the biggest factors that can accelerate the careers and ability of the millennial generation to lead.
5. Dare to Open Your Mind to New Insights
Existing developments and changes are not an obstacle to gaining new insights. You can show your creative ideas to get new innovations and also open your mind to always care about the environment, both from small problems to quite complex problems. Be a wise recipient of information, never immediately accept raw information, you must make sure that the information is true.

#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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