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SSI Menjadi Narasumber Training Bank BSG

SSI Becomes a Resource Person for BSG Bank Training

Crimes in the ATM world are now increasingly prevalent, such as skimming crimes, card trapping, cash trapping, to logical attacks that lead to cyber security crimes. To anticipate the increase in ATM crime, the Regional Development Bank of North Sulawesi Gorontalo (Bank Sulutgo) or now known as Bank BSG held training for its employees.
This training aims to provide knowledge, information and how to anticipate if such crimes occur at Bank BSG ATM machines. The event will be held on Thursday, August 11, 2022, at BSG Excellence Center Jl. Santu Joseph No.1, Kleak, Malalayang, Manado
On that occasion, SSI, represented by Joko Prabowo, was asked to be a resource person on Cyber ??Security.
Hopefully the material presented can increase knowledge about the development of ATMs and crime in the ATM world, so that crime can be anticipated and suppress crime.

#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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