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Pengenalan Direktur Baru Perseroan

Introduction of the Company's New Director

Following up on the decision of the Annual GMS for the 2021 financial year, where one of the decisions was the appointment of Mr. Feri Andajaya as a Director of the Company, to meet the compliance aspect, a new Director was introduced to the Company's personnel.

The introductory agenda was held in conjunction with the Company's meeting forum which was held on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. The meeting used a hybrid method. The head office leadership took part in offline activities in the Morotai & Natuna Room, and the regional leadership took part in virtual activities.
Congratulations on joining and serving Mr. Feri Andajaya, hopefully it can bring SSI glory.

#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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(021) 30066109-112

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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika