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Cara Generasi Muda Memaknai Kemerdekaan Indonesia

How the Young Generation Defines Indonesian Independence

The Republic of Indonesia's birthday is commemorated to remember the struggles of heroes who have died on the battlefield. This struggle is now being continued by the younger generation to maintain and fill the independence that has been achieved with difficulty through the struggle of the heroes who have risked their souls and bodies.

On this occasion the editor would like to share several ways the Young Generation interprets Indonesian Independence Day:

1. Community Service
Community service activities are usually carried out to improve the lives of people in need. For example providing health checks and treatment, or teaching children in the area.


2. Engage in Advancing the Education Sector
Human Resources (HR) is an important asset. The challenge ahead is how to develop and improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Therefore, improving educational facilities must be a top priority to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia. To make this happen, it requires concern from various parties, from the government to the younger generation.


3. Introducing Indonesian Culture to the World
Culture is indeed an important part and cannot be separated from the name of a nation. Even culture can be said as something that can be a representation of the nation and state.


4. Loving Local Arts and Wisdom
As a country that has a variety of cultures and arts, from Sabang to Merauke, we should love our own culture. This must be done by the younger generation as a form of preserving the culture of the archipelago so that it does not erode in the midst of the onslaught of globalization.


5. Study Hard
With education, the chain of poverty will be broken and Indonesia's Human Resources (HR) will be of high quality. Indonesia's young generation must achieve the highest possible education, even now there are many access to scholarships to continue to universities in Indonesia and the world.


6. Supporting the Development of Domestic Products
Currently, there are so many original Indonesian brands/products that have sprung up in various fields. We must support the development of the brand, and even be able to encourage it to be known by the world community.

7. Mutual Respect and Sharing
Mutual respect and sharing are really needed by the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation, which basically consists of various ethnicities, races and different religions. If these differences are not addressed with mutual respect and sharing, then there will be no complete independence.

Here are some ways the younger generation can interpret Indonesian Independence, hopefully it will be useful.


#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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