Handover of The Position of GM Corsec SSI
Wednesday, May 25, 2022, Yudhi Wirawan (President Director) led the procession of the handover of the General Manager Corporate Secretary position from Brata Robinto to Lury Rizaldi. The handover was held at the SSI Operational Headquarters Jl. Artery Jorr Jatiwarna No.70, RT.001/RW.002, Jatimelati, Kec. Pd. Melati, Bekasi City.
Congratulations on carrying out the task and trust to Mr. Lury Rizaldy. And congratulations on serving in your new place to Mr. Brata Robinto. Thank you for your contributions and contributions to the company so far.
#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah