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SSI Tambah Kerja Sama dengan Fastrata Buana

SSI Adds Collaboration with Fastrata Buana

At the end of April 2022, Andika Sasmita, a representative of the SSI marketing team, made a customer visit to the Fastrata Buana Kudus office, Jl. Mejobo No.43, Mlati Norowito, Kec. Kudus City, Kudus Regency. Also present was Rika Amalia, General Manager of Fastrata Buana Pusat.

The meeting was held to oversee the handover process of the Depos.ID calculating machine to support the digitization of CIT services in real time to facilitate the process of depositing into accounts without visiting the bank.

Hopefully the ongoing cooperation can bring progress together. Amen.



#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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