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Siaga Rafi 2022

Standby Rafi 2022

To maintain the best service to customers, at the moment of Ramadan - Eid 2022, SSI carries out the "Ramadan Alert - Eid Al-Fitr (Rafi) 2022" activity.

This activity aims to anticipate the significantly increasing demand for cash transactions in ATM machines, CRM and other distributions. Moreover, the previous two years were limited due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The SSI Monitoring Team will continue to be on standby for 24 hours monitoring the status and balance of the managed ATM & CRM in order to operate properly and accelerate problem repair.

Hopefully Ramadhan and Eid Al-Fitr 2022 can run smoothly and wisely and be a blessing for SSI people and the whole community.



#SSIBangkit #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah


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(021) 30066109-112

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PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika

PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika