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Tips Aman Bertransaksi di ATM

Tips For Safe Transactions at ATM

At the end of 2021, the arrest of three foreign nationals who committed ATM crimes added to the record number of ATM vandalism cases in Indonesia. The perpetrator was arrested while installing a skimming device and installing a hidden camera at the top of the ATM machine's PIN button.

With the rise of crime at ATMs in the last 2 years, the editor would like to share tips for safe transactions at ATMs:

1. Make regular changes to your PIN

To avoid various risks of burglary of funds in savings accounts by irresponsible parties.

2. Be alert when the ATM location is quiet

Usually crimes are committed at ATM machine locations that are deserted by visitors. So if you want to make a transaction, first pay attention to the conditions around the ATM to ensure the security of the location.

3. Verify the authenticity of the ATM device

Try to check the existing ATM devices (such as a card entry and exit button or a button to enter a pin code).

4. Beware of hidden cameras

The camera can be hidden in places you are not aware of. Try to pay close attention to the ATM environment, especially the ATM button.

5. Don't trust strangers who offer help

Perpetrators will pretend to offer help when you run into problems at the ATM machine. It's better to contact the Bank's call center listed on the ATM screen (not on a sticker that might be suspected of containing a fake call center number).

As a good user, let's pay attention to the tips above to keep our savings accounts safe. Hope it is useful.

#ssibangkit #ganyerah #ayoberubah


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