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Pengajian Bersama dan Kultum

Joint Study and Culture

Routine recitations and cults at PT SSI's Al-Barkah Mosque will be held on Thursday, December 23, 2021. The activity starts before the time for the Maghrib Prayer and then continues with the congregational Maghrib Prayer.

M. Adil, as the Marketing Director, had the opportunity to give a cult, he reminded us SSI people to always be grateful to Allah SWT, don't forget to give charity and cultivate a sense of responsibility to oneself, family and company. Don't forget to be filial to your parents and always take care of our obligations as Muslims, namely praying 5 times a day.

We hope that we, the people of SSI, will always be in good health and always under the protection of Allah SWT in our actions and words so as not to harm the company, other people and ourselves.

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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