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Kegiatan Cash Count Bank BTN di COU Yogyakarta

Bank BTN Cash Count Activities at COU Yogyakarta

In accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations that PJPUR companies and Employing Banks are required to carry out a joint Cash Count on cash management by PJ PUR, on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, Bank BTN will pay a visit to SSI Yogyakarta Jl. KM District. 3, Jambon Trihanggo Kec. Gamping, Kab. Sleman, DI Yogyakarta Province – 55291

This Cash Count activity was carried out by representatives of Bank BTN as many as 4 people together with the SSI Yogyakarta Leader accompanying the cashier who counted the physical money compared to the cash balance record.

Hopefully the cooperation that has been well established can last forever and be mutually beneficial

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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